Welcome to the Tribology Lab of Mbrosia Co., Ltd. Our research interests are at the intersection of mechanical engineering, materials science, surface physics and chemistry. The research focus of the company is on the interfacial interactions of materials and tribology properties of interacting materials. Our research activities in tribology are focused on the fundamental origins of friction, wear, materials deformation, adhesion, fretting and materials design.
Generally, tribology is the “study that deals with interacting surfaces in relative motion and their associated design, friction, wear, and lubrication”. Tribology is a multidisciplinary field by nature because the interaction between surfaces can only be completely understood when considering the physics, chemistry, mechanics and materials of the interaction. In our studies in materials tribology, we aim to understand the physical and chemical interactions between mating surfaces.
Our research in nanostructured materials focuses on the developing and evaluation of nanostructured materials by severe plastic deformation (SPD), including metallic materials, alloys, ceramics, thin films and bio-inspired systems and their application in wear systems and extreme harsh environments (including high temperature applications).
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